Welcome To HealthyElkton.com

By Steve Everett

Welcome Message & Disclaimers

I turned 64 in 2025. Gained about 80 pounds in my 40's and lost that 80 pounds in my 50's. This website was created mostly as a curation of people and information that in my journey over the past 10 to 15 years I found interesting and helpful. It will be worth the time and effort if this site helps just one person as much as information others have shared has helped me.

Q: Is this site only for vegans?

A: No but much of the latest research is showing benefits of limiting saturated fat and increasing fiber and much of the information here is a result of that. This site however is for anyone interested in trying to live as healthy as possible. Personally I have over the past many years slowly transitioned over to a whole food plant based diet but it was a long transition for me, about 10 years.. It it is my opinion that even while I was still eating meat and so forth that I still benefited by just adding a few more high fiber meals in a few times a week and I believe that will probably be true for most people. No diet is perfect, we all could do better and we all could do worse but I think we all deserve to get access to what the latest research indicates and make decisions from there.

DISCLAIMERS: coming soon

Pressure Cooker Pot 1. Video by Steve Everett.

Dr. Michael Greger from NutritionFacts.org. How Not to Age Presentation.

Calorie Density: How To Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer. Jeff Novick, MS, RDN

Foods That Reverse Heart Disease | Dr. Neal Barnard Q&A

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